Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Okay, for those of you who have been bugging me to post a picture to my profile; here you go. Yes, it was painful! I hate having my picture taken (and really hate posting it to the internet!) Be nice to me (because I will delete mean comments!) :)


shannon said...

Wow, Fran ... that's a gorgeous picture! I'm glad you took the plunge. People want to know, you know? :)

Fran said...

Thanks Shannon! I always liked you! lol

Bill & Glory said...

Fran! You look fabulous and I'm glad you left your beautiful hair out long and loose.

*where did you get the sizzlin' shirt???*


Fran said...

Fashion Bug! I love that place!

Nancy said...

Funny you would post about your picture, when you left a comment on my blog I saw your picture and immediately the thought came to me that this was a beautiful picture. I like it a lot.

I also strongly dislike (okay, hate) having my picture taken. The camera does not like me.

Bill & Glory said...

I just looked at Fashion Bug's online maternity selection......is it a sin to look upon an article of clothing lustfully? I wonder how I'm going to manage convincing Bill that it would benefit him greatly to let me get something. Hmmm, maybe over a hot plate of enchiladas...


Fran said...

Glory after your valiant tussle with the lawn mower I think you've earned something from Fashion Bug!

Thanks Nancy! The camera is very mean, I agree! I tease Jessica (my oldest) that photographing her is like trying to capture on film an elusive, not to sure it even exists animal in the wild. Now I know where she gets that from!